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Cactivating Final Branding Proposal-08.p

Moon Cactus

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii

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A curious cactus with a colorful ball-shaped top.

Make sure the temperatures won't fall under 50 °F. Keep humidity low.

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Water only when
the soil is dry.
Stop watering

in the winter.

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Choose a moderately
bright location.


Also called Hibotan cactus, Ruby Ball cactus, Grafted cactus, or Star Flowered cactus, this plant is native to Paraguay and Argentina and is a combination of two cacti that have been grafted together. The top cactus is the colorful Gymnocalycium mihanovichii cactus while the lower part could be any cactus species.

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Fertilize once a month in the growing season

(April to September.) 

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